So Much to Tell You - But Not Now
(Kitty) By the time we get thoroughly caught up with tell you all the interesting stuff that's going on in our lives (like John's birthday party!), it'll be Christmas. But hey! At least that means we'll start the new year with a clean slate! LOL!
So...just to let you know, I won't be posting anything all next week. One of my sisters is coming to town! Bonnie will be here for the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association 2007 National Conference. So I'm being kidnapped (yea!) for the week. We're going to visit San Bernadino where she was born, and hopefully get in a trail ride, and who knows what? :)
Meanwhile, if you're interested, I've written 8263 words in the first 8 days of National Novel Writing Month! Now, we're supposed to be done writing 15,000 words by the end of today to reach our month-long goal of 50,000 words. Yeah, I don't think I'll be writing 7000 words today! LOL! But I'll get caught up. Maybe if I type instead of eat over Thanksgiving weekend I won't gain any extra weight AND I'll get caught up in my word count. :)
Talk to you later! And have a lovely week!!