Friday, January 05, 2007

What's Your Goal for the New Year?

Hi friends! Kitty here with all kinds of smiles because she's met her goals for the day! I've spent a good part of the day reading articles on goal-setting. Mostly, it's because I've got to finish that book! But also, I need to get my life in order so that the important things get done and I can let the unimportant and un-done things slip away without guilt. Too much feeling guilty about unfinished to-do lists in years past!

Today my goal was to read over the goal-setting articles, begin setting some goals, and say hello to you here on our blog! Done, done and done! Hurray!

So tell us - what are some of your goals for 2007? Watch more James Bond movies? (Seems like a good year to do it.) Lose some weight and/or exercise more? (We're in that boat this year. The goodbye dinners in Sydney, the welcome home dinners in Los Angeles, as well as Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's put us up about 10 lbs (4 kg) each. Eeek!) Or maybe you want to stay in touch with your friends and family better. That's us, too - and the reason why we're going to try harder to write you here and say hi at least twice a week.

Comment here and let us know your goals this year. Writing it down adds power and conviction - at least more than not writing it down at all! Good luck and God bless you!!

1 comment:

Bridgette said...

Hi Kitty and John!
I don't know about Don, but I have a few goals:
1. To lose 10 pounds. I'm going to sign up for a 10K to help achieve this one.
2. To keep in better touch with friends and family
3. To write more - I can't call myself a writer if I'm not doing much writing.
4. To have a more active prayer life!
See you in a couple weeks!
(Get the Marbles game unpacked - although, we can't let Brennan eat any of them.)